Top Of The Mountain | The Newtown Bee

2022-05-20 23:34:46 By : Ms. Susie Wei

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I imagine the colors blue and yellow, and variations of sunflowers, will be prevalent in original art found at Art & Frame Gallery next weekend. That’s because on Friday, May 27, from 10 am until 7 pm, and again on Saturday, May 28, from 10 am to 6 pm, The Society of Creative Arts of Newtown will be hosting a fundraiser for the people of Ukraine. Local artists, whether members of the longstanding artists collective or not, have donated unique art for the special event. Proceeds from all sales will be donated to World Central Kitchen, the same group that benefitted a few weekends ago from the efforts of Trinity Church’s youth group. WCK has, since early March, reportedly worked with more than 400 restaurants, food trucks and caterers to produce about 320,000 meals per day to feed the hungry in Ukraine. Art & Frame is at 77 Main Street.

Newtown Historical Society is hoping to get lots of treasures from those looking to clear out some sellable items this spring. Donations for a tag sale to be presented at The Matthew Curtiss House on Saturday, June 4, will be accepted on Friday, June 3, between noon and 3 pm. Housewares, books, toys, knickknacks, furniture, and any other unique articles in unbroken and saleable condition — but not clothing — will all be collected by historical society volunteers that afternoon at 44 Main Street. The following day everything will then be sold, with proceeds to benefit the historical society. Additional information, and even arrangements for pickup, is available by e-mailing

Free movies return this weekend to Edmond Town Hall, where all six screenings of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 will be presented without charge. Screenings of the action-adventure comedy released in April, featuring James Marsden and Jim Carrey, among others, will be offered Friday through Sunday, May 20-22, at 1 and 7 pm. If you bump into Todd Ingersoll or any of the folks at Ingersoll Auto of Danbury, be sure to thank them. The free movie weekends have been happening for nearly ten years at ETH thanks to Todd and his crew.

Next weekend, (at least) two special events will be happening in town. The first is the return, following a two-year hiatus, of the Nunnawauk Meadows Bake & Tag Sale. Residents of that community have been setting aside treasures, and will be baking up a storm ahead of the special event, which raises funds for Nunnawauk Meadows Residents Association. The sale opens Saturday, May 28, at 9 am rain or shine — and organizers ask that early birds do not try to gain admission before that time — and will continue until 3 pm. The event will resume at 9 am Sunday, with all items offered at half price until noon. After 12, anything left will be given away without charge. The fundraiser is in the Nunnawauk Meadows Community Building, 3 Nunnawauk Road.

Also next weekend, American Legion Post 202 will introduce its newest Memorial Day ceremony. The local post is working with Newtown Woman’s Club and Borough of Newtown to coordinate a Memorial Day Luminary Tribute. Members of the Post will continue selling luminaria bags until that weekend, and then on May 29, all of the bags will be placed around The Liberty & Peace Monument (a/k/a Soldiers & Sailors Memorial) at 66 Main Street. Woman’s Club members will be lining the grassy area around the monument with small American flags. Around dusk, “Taps” will be performed and a brief ceremony will be offered before all of the bags are illuminated. The bags will then remain lit, according to Post Commander Donna Monteleone, until sunrise Tuesday morning. A donation of $5 per bag is requested, and there are multiple ways to obtain the bags. Members of the local Post are planning to be in front of Newtown Hardware, 61 Church Hill Road, this Saturday morning, in fact. The public can purchase (and personalize, if desired) bags at that time. According to Donna, nearly 100 bags had been purchased as of this week. Contact Donna at 203-577-9568 or to find out how, and to support this lovely new observance.

There is still time to participate in Byrd’s Books of Bethel’s bookmark contest. The contest started May 1 and runs through May 31. All entries are judged by Bethel Arts and the winners will be printed. The challenge is to design a bookmark inspired by a favorite book. Entrants can win a $25 gift certificate and 25 copies of their bookmark. There will be five winning designs. One winning entry will be chosen from each of the five categories: pre-kindergarten to second grade, third to fifth grade, sixth to eighth grade, high school, and adult. Artwork and completed entry forms must be returned to Byrd’s Books by Tuesday, May 31. More information is available online at (scroll down to the blue section marked Bookmark Contest 2022).

Vicki Boccuzzi reached out recently, singing the praises of Newtown Savings Bank for the longstanding financial institution’s support of a recent Friends of Newtown Seniors (FONS) fundraiser. In nominating Newtown Savings Bank for a Good Egg Award, Vicki shared the following: Special thanks to Philip Lukianuk and the staff at the South Main Street Branch of NSB as well as Katie Korres and Natalie Young of the main offices. Newtown Savings Bank continues in its tradition of being a community bank and as such supports many organizations in Newtown. We deeply appreciate Newtown Savings Bank's sponsorship of our shredding event held at the South Main Branch in Newtown on May 7. These events provide a real service to the community and have been a successful fund raiser for our organization.” See a brief story and a few photos from that event, this week on page A-7. Congratulations Newtown Savings Bank, you are one Good Egg of a bank!

Sandy Hook LobsterFest took another big step toward its return this week, when members of Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue received the tickets for this year’s fundraiser. LobsterFest has been on hiatus since 2019, but this year looks good for the two-day event. Tickets are $33 in advance, which cover a full steak or lobster dinner. Hamburger or hot dog meal tickets are $10. Members of the company have tickets, and they can also be purchased at our office, at 5 Church Hill Road; and the Office of the Town Clerk and the Office of the Fire Marshal, both within Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street. LobsterFest is planned for Friday, June 10, from 5 to 9 pm; and Saturday, June 11, 4-9 pm. Tickets purchased at the door for the big meals will be $35; burger and hot dog tickets will still be $10. The event is presented by and a fundraiser for the fire company.

The Newtown High School Class of 2022 isn't counting down the days until graduation on June 15 ... Oh wait. It is! May 16 marked 22 school days until graduation, assuming the outdoor event is not postponed to a possible rain date (the next day). The class had a celebratory poster, balloons, and other decorations posted around the school for the day. We understand, seniors. We would be excited too, if we didn't also know how much each of you will be missed the halls at NHS.

I count down every week to you promising next week to ... Read me again.

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